HealthCare Survey

Four years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic struck our nation…33,000 New Jerseyans lost their lives! An independent review of NJ's response to the emergency concluded that the state was grossly unprepared.

How were you affected? Please take this survey to help us make positive changes in the way healthcare services are provided to people with disabilities in NJ.

Need assistance filling this out? Contact Luke Koppisch at 732-738-4388.

Posted on May 7, 2024 and filed under Health.

Local Disability Community Commemorates Lives of Disabled Filicide Victims

As part of a nation-wide Day of Mourning, the Alliance Center for Independence (ACI), a non-profit center for independent living based in Edison will be holding a vigil on Friday, March 1, to honor the lives of disabled people murdered by their families and caretakers.

This event is part of a nation-wide effort organized by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), a Washington, DC- based disability advocacy organization. ASAN has compiled a list of over 1300 reported murders of people with disabilities by relatives or caregivers over the last 40 years.

In the past 5 years, 570 people with disabilities have been murdered by their parents, relatives or caregivers, according to ASAN. The first filicide was in 2012. ACI has been holding its annual local filicide vigil since 2014.

 “The purpose of this annual event is to mourn our brothers and sisters in disability but also bring public awareness to this often dismissed, yet tragic issue,” says Carole Tonks, ACI Executive Director and organizer of the event.

Posted on February 15, 2024 and filed under Press Release.

Holiday Express Party 2023 🎅

ACI's annual holiday party took place on November 20th at the Minnie B. Veal Recreation Center in Edison. Holiday Express provided the music, entertainment, and food. Everyone had a great time dancing and singing to all their favorite holiday tunes! Thank you to all the musicians, crew, and volunteers of Holiday Express for the wonderful night!

Posted on November 21, 2023 and filed under Social Rec.

The Power of the Disability Vote! 2023

On September 14th, individuals with disabilities from across New Jersey gathered at the Statehouse in Trenton to showcase the power of the disability vote!

The event was sponsored by REV UP NJ and the Alliance Center for Independence and took place during Disability Voting Rights Week, a national effort by REV UP to get those running for elected office to listen to the concerns and issues of their disabled constituents. The event also featured many great speakers including NJ Assembly Speaker, Craig Coughlin and a live performance by musician, Cory Singer.

REV UP NJ is a chapter of REV UP, a national effort of the American Association of Persons with Disabilities (AAPD).

For additional information, please contact Luke Koppisch at or visit

Posted on September 25, 2023 and filed under Voting, Advocacy.

Radiological Community Reception Center Exercise

ACI participated in a Radiological Community Reception Center Exercise conducted by the Middlesex County Department of Health and local emergency response organizations. Consumers and staff learned firsthand about the emergency procedures during a radiological event. After the simulation, participants provided feedback on ways to improve accessibility during a real emergency.

Posted on June 7, 2023 and filed under Emergency Preparedness.

Day of Mourning Vigil 2023

On the night of March 1st, ACI joined disability advocates across the nation in a Day of Mourning Vigil in Edison. The vigil remembered and honored disabled victims murdered by their parents or caretakers. The emotional ceremony included speeches, poems and reading the names and ages of the 550 victims who were murdered between 2021 and 2023. This adds to a growing list of 1600+ names.

The national Day of Mourning is a time for the disability community to commemorate the many lives cut short. By honoring disabled victims and celebrating the lives they lived, the vigil sends a message that disability is not a justification for violence and disabled lives are valued.

ACI would like to thank Eugene Meyers of and USA Today Network and Della Crews of News12 for their recent reporting on this important issue.

Posted on March 3, 2023 and filed under Advocacy.