SHARES Task Force Conference

On Wednesday, April 13th, 2016, Middlesex L.E.A.D.S., a collaborative of the Middlesex County Center for Empowerment and the Alliance Center for Independence (ACI), came together at The Law Center of New Jersey to present a message of pride at this year's SHARES (Sexuality, Health, Awareness, Rights, Education and Safety) Task Force Conference.

Panelists CJ Dodge from ACI; Ashley Gaunt from Planned Parenthood; along with moderators; Melissa Keyes DiGioia from Finding Your Individuality and Monica Avisado from ACI and Middlesex County Center for Empowerment all took the stage and shared their life experiences and opinions about how important disability and LGBTQ pride is to the community. 21 Task Force Conference attendees joined the panelist and enthusiastically participated. All present came to the conclusion that organizations that serve individuals with disabilities and the LGBTQ community have a lot in common with their advocacy efforts and should continue to work together to realize the common goal of equality, empowerment, and pride!

Posted on April 18, 2016 and filed under Advocacy.