Become a sponsor/exhibitor!

NJDPP, sponsored by ACI with the support of the statewide disability community, is an attempt to increase inclusion and acceptance of individuals with disabilities in their communities and the broader society. Organizers hope that NJDPP will be a vehicle to break stereotypes and the harmful public perceptions of people with disabilities. NJDPP is a way to promote the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity in which people living with disabilities can take pride.

In order to make NJDPP a success, we are relying solely on the generosity of others to fund this event. Outlined below, are several ways you can contribute to NJDPP.

NJDPP Booklet Advertisement

$100 - Advertisement

  • Small advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x2.125 inches, horizontal rectangle)**


NJDPP Friends

$25 - Friends

  • Friend's name on the NJDPP website


NJDPP Supporters

$100 - Individuals

  • Supporter's name on the NJDPP website

  • Small advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x2.125 inches, horizontal rectangle)**

  • Two (2) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

$250 - Nonprofit Agencies

  • Supporter's name, logo and website link on the NJDPP website*

  • Supporter table at NJDPP

  • Small advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x2.125 inches, horizontal rectangle)**

  • Two (2) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

$500 - For Profit Agencies

  • Supporter's name, logo and website link on the NJDPP website*

  • Supporter table at NJDPP

  • Small advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x2.125 inches, horizontal rectangle)**

  • Two (2) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

NJDPP Sponsors/Exhibitors

$1,000 - Bronze

  • Placement of name, logo and website link on the NJDPP website*

  • Exhibitor space: 10x10 tent, one table and two chairs at NJDPP

  • Half-page advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x4.25 inches, horizontal rectangle)**

  • Four (4) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

$2,000 - Silver

  • Placement of name, logo and website link on the NJDPP website*

  • Exhibitor space: 10x10 tent, one table and two chairs at NJDPP

  • Name/logo on all printed materials

  • Name/logo on NJDPP banner

  • Half-page advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x4.25 inches, horizontal rectangle)**

  • Five (5) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

$3,000 - Gold

  • Highlighted placement of name, logo and website link on the NJDPP website*

  • Exhibitor space: 10x10 tent, one table and two chairs at NJDPP

  • Highlighted placement of name/logo on all printed materials

  • Highlighted placement of name/logo on NJDPP banner

  • Full-page advertisement in NJDPP program booklet
    (No bigger than 5.5x8.5 inches, vertical rectangle)**

  • Ten (10) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

$5,000 - Platinum

  • Premier placement of name, logo and website link on the NJDPP website*

  • Exhibitor space: 10x10 tent, one table and two chairs at NJDPP

  • Name/logo included in all press releases for NJDPP

  • Premier placement of name/logo on all printed materials

  • Premier placement of name/logo on NJDPP banner

  • Premier full-page advertisement in NJDPP program booklet (No bigger than 5.5x8.5 inches, vertical rectangle)**

  • Fifteen (15) commemorative NJDPP t-shirts

  • Brief speech on stage

If you would like to become a sponsor/exhibitor, please fill out the Sponsorship Form at the link below. After submitted your form, you can make a payment through the drop-down menu and PayPal link below. If you wish to send a check, please click here to download the sponsorship/exhibitor form.




* Please send a high-resolution electronic version of your logo to

** Please have your ad submitted to by the deadline or it will NOT be included in the booklet