A message from SocialSecurity.gov
We are proud to announce the launch of Social Security’s disability education and awareness initiative, “The Faces and Facts of Disability.” Through this campaign, we hope to educate the public about the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and dispel common misconceptions. To learn more about the campaign, visit our Faces and Facts of Disability website at www.socialsecurity.gov/disabilityfacts.
Please help us spread the word. Please share this information with your staff, clients, colleagues, and the general public. If you are able, please post this information on your website or other social media sites.
A message from the NJ Division of Disability Services
This program provides funding to replace, repair or build a modular ramp for any individual who required one at their Sandy impacted primary residence. In order for a person to qualify, they must have had a ramp that was damaged due to the storm and needs to be repaired or replaced; a ramp is needed in a home/apartment because an individual with a disability had to relocate due to the storm; or the existing ramp is no longer useful as their home had to be elevated to comply with new building codes.
A message from the National Council on Independent Living
The 2014 Omnibus Appropriations bill currently before Congress includes funding increases for Independent Living programs. If passed, the bill will increase total funding for Independent Living programs 3.34%, from a Fiscal Year 2013 total of $130 million to a new Fiscal Year 2014 total of nearly $135 million.