Posts filed under Advocacy

NJTV Interviews ACI about ADA Violations in Atlantic City

The following is an article from

Nybil Ghanem recalls when he went to Atlantic City several months ago, it was hard to get some places.

“I just thought it was very unfair that someone couldn’t get up to certain card table venues because of the stairs,” he said.

Ghanem encountered examples of what the Justice Department says it discovered in a four and a half year review: violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at five Atlantic City hotels, casinos and restaurants — Resorts Casino Hotel, Tropicana Casino and Resort, Sheraton Atlantic City Convention Center Hotel, The Rainforest Café at the former Trump Plaza and Trump Taj Mahal.

The violations include doors that require too much force to open, doorways that are too narrow for passage, gaming tables that are too high for wagering and disability parking spaces without signage.

But, instead of suing the businesses for damages, the Justice Department has reached settlement agreements. “The agreements require the hotels and casinos to remedy any violations, enabling people with mobility impairments to fully access these facilities.” The agreements include training staff and give businesses six months to two years to comply.

Posted on July 27, 2015 and filed under Advocacy.

VIDEO: ADA@25 and Beyond

July 26th 2015 marks the 25th anniversary of signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ACI salutes the pioneers, activists and leaders in the disability community as well as the ordinary people who championed for passage of this significant civil rights law.

Now 25 years later, a new generation of people with disabilities are working to ensure that the promises of the ADA are fulfilled. In ADA@25 and Beyond, we interview several people with disabilities to highlight the continuing struggles they face.

A big thanks to those who shared their thoughts with us...James A. Michels, Christine Riva Hines, Ethan Ellis, Nybil Ghanem, Sarah Rizzuto and Jim Dickson.

Posted on July 27, 2015 and filed under Advocacy.

#ADA25Selfie: We Want to Hear Your Thoughts on the ADA!

The Alliance Center for Independence is putting together a social media campaign that depicts the continuous struggle for our civil rights. When the ADA anniversary celebrations are over, we need to focus on what needs to be done for the next 25 years and beyond!

From July 25th to August 1st, post a picture of yourself holding a sign expressing what needs to be improved under the ADA. Post your pictures on social media using the hashtag ‪#‎ADA25Selfie‬.

These photos will be enlarged and displayed at the NJ Disability Pride Parade on October 2nd in Trenton.

Some examples of what you can write on your sign:

  • Disability Rights ARE Civil Rights!
  • We need more accessible transportation!
  • Nothing about me, without me!
  • Include us in disaster planning!
  • Employ Me!
Posted on July 23, 2015 and filed under Advocacy.

Coming This Summer! Emergency Preparedness Overnight in Somerset County

Emergency Preparedness Overnight.jpg

ACI along with the Somerset Office of Emergency Management, FEMA and other stakeholders are planning the 2nd Overnight Shelter Simulation to take place in Somerset County this summer. Approximately 50 adults with disabilities will spend the night in a shelter staffed by volunteers from agencies engaged in emergency response operations during a disaster.

The purpose of the exercise is to familiarize disabled members of the community with an overnight shelter experience while providing volunteers who set and staff shelters during a disaster with an opportunity to understand and better assist the needs of individuals with disabilities in a disaster.

Watch for opportunities to take part in this important exercise.

This event is made possible by a grant from PSEG. We are grateful for their support.

Posted on March 3, 2015 and filed under Advocacy.

Middlesex County Board Approves Audio Crosswalk Signals in Fords

On February 5th, ACI office assistant, Argenys Caba, testified at the Middlesex County Board of Freeholders meeting regarding installation of audio crosswalk signals along Amboy Avenue in Fords, NJ. The board approved the installation, which would allow people with visual and other disabilities cross the busy street safely and independently. Congratulations Argenys!

Posted on February 10, 2015 and filed under Advocacy.

ACI Meets with Assemblywoman, Nancy Pinkin, to Revise Accessible Parking in NJ

Luke and Carole with NJ Assemblywoman, Nancy Pinkin (middle)

Luke and Carole with NJ Assemblywoman, Nancy Pinkin (middle)

On August 19th, Carole and Luke met with state assemblywoman, Nancy Pinkin of the 18th Legislative District, which includes Edison. Among other topics, the assemblywoman was asked to sponsor a bill to revised NJ's accessible parking to eliminate the word "handicapped" and to replace the old wheelchair symbol of accessibility with a modern symbol of active wheelchair user. All new accessible parking signs will be subjected to this change. A bill, which is based on NY's new accessible parking law, is currently being drafted by the Office of Legislative Services.

Posted on September 2, 2014 and filed under Advocacy.

Last Chance to Register for the Emergency Preparedness Overnight Exercise!


On Friday, August 22nd, the Alliance Center for Independence (ACI), Middlesex County Office of Emergency Management (OEM), FEMA and the American Red Cross will bring together 50 adults with all types of disabilities to spend the night at the Livingston Campus at Rutgers University in a mock overnight emergency shelter experience.

Posted on August 18, 2014 and filed under Advocacy.