Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

A message from the New American Movement for People with Disabilities

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In a global effort to improve the quality of life and human rights for over 650 million people with disabilities in all countries; the United Nations has called on the international community to join in ratifying its’ universal treaty the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Joining 153 other countries in the agreement to ensure that human rights are protected for all disabled persons, the Obama Administration; signed the treaty in 2009. Across the nation, disability advocates and lobbyists have called for the administration to urge the U.S. government to grant final approval of the treaty’s ratification.

Initially, their efforts proved to be a success because the treaty was officially submitted by the President to be ratified by the US Senate in May 2011. However, their work was temporarily thwarted after the Senate failed to ratify the treaty on December 4th, 2012. It was a huge disappointment for disability advocates across the globe and for many in the Senate. Although it gained substantial bipartisanship support leading up to floor vote, many rescinded their endorsement at the last minute. The New American Movement continues to advocate for the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by following its updates and encouraging our supporters to take action with us.

The UN’s disability treaty, seeks to protect the basic rights and human dignities of people with disabilities. The treaty also calls for all to be treated fairly; to not be discriminated against, and have to access to the same privileges as everyone else in society.  The guiding principles of the Convention, establishes individual autonomy, protecting integrity, non-discrimination; equal opportunity, accessibility, gender equality, voting rights, and respect for children with disabilities.

The importance of this treaty’s ratification signifies the progression in defending citizens’ rights to fair treatment, opportunity, and freedom in a global community regardless of individual differences. If passed by the Senate, the United States will show its support and concern for disabled persons by reinforcing the rights that all people in society are entitled. To learn more about the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, you can read about the treaty’s established Rights’ here.

Please help the New American Movement, and contact your Senators by utilizing our action alert! You can also receive updates regarding the status of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by clicking here. Additionally, the New American Movement team encourages our supporters to use social media to contact Senators! ​

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Posted on May 28, 2013 and filed under Advocacy.