Need a Job During the Coronavirus Outbreak? Let ACI Help You with Your Resume!

Were you looking for a job before the coronavirus outbreak? Are you newly out of work and want to spend your time at home applying for new jobs? A professional resume is an important part of your employment application. If you would like assistance with editing your resume, ACI can help. Please email a copy of your resume to Rachel at, as well as a 30 minute time slot (between the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) that you would be available for a Zoom chat, and we can help you edit your resume over Zoom screen sharing and/or Google Docs.

If you do not yet have a resume, stay tuned for a Zoom webinar coming up about what resumes are and how to create one.

Posted on April 9, 2020 and filed under Employment.