Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the 11 Centers for Independent Living have been essential in providing support to New Jerseyans with disabilities and their families. From wellness checks to assistance with food and medication delivery to conducting support groups online, NJ's CILs have been meeting the challenges brought on by the pandemic. While our services have become more expansive and more important than ever to our consumers, CILs are struggling to provide the additional services under financial hardship.
Under the Federal CARES Act, New Jersey has received $1.95 million dollars for independent living services under the Rehabilitation Act.
In NJ there are B and C Centers for Independent Living, unfortunately, no federal funding was included specifically for "B" Centers throughout the country, in Title VIII of The CARES Act.
In NJ the centers affected were the Alliance Center for Independence, Atlantic Center for Independent Living, DAWN, Inc., Center for Independent Living of South Jersey and MOCEANS. As a result, thousands of NJ residents with disabilities are unable to get the needed services supported by the CARES funding. The Governor and the state legislature must consider additional funding for NJ's Centers for Independent Living " B" Centers in their proposals.
Listed below are several ways you can help! The Governor must hear from you before his budget address on August 25th.
Call Governor Murphy's Office at 609-292-6000: Tell the Governor that NJ's Independent Living "B" Centers need a $1.3 million increase to continue their vital work during the pandemic. Indicate that the $1.3 million increase will help close the funding disparity and allow all of NJ Centers for Independent to provide the same level of assistance to people with disabilities throughout NJ. Be sure to mention your name and town.
Leaving a message on the NJ website: In the contact form, use the drop-down menu under Topic and select CORONAVIRUS - COVID-19.
Send a tweet: Please @GovMurphy, fund NJ’s B Centers for Independent Living!
Please contact Luke Koppisch ( or Carole Tonks ( with any questions.
Dear Governor Murphy:
I am writing (calling) regarding funding of NJ's Centers for Independent Living. Centers for Independent Living (CILs) were established under the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to provide services to assist people with disabilities realize their goal of independent living.These include Transition services, advocacy, information and referral assistance, independent living skills training, and peer support, There are 11 CILs in NJ and over 500 throughout the county. In NJ, some CILs are funded directly through the US Administration on Community Living ("C" Centers) while others received their funding through the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development. ("B" Centers). When Congress passed the CARES Act in the Spring to address the needs brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, $1.95 million were earmarked for NJ's Centers for Independent Living. However, because of the way funding is set up, only the "C" Centers benefited CARES Act funding.
Although all of NJ's Centers for Independent have struggled to meet the demand for our services, brought on by COVID-19, "B" Centers like the Alliance Center have been doing it without adequate funding.
I ask that your Budget for FY 2021 Include $1.3 million in funding for "B" Centers. This money will go a long way towards closing the funding gap and allow these Centers to continue their work during these challenging times.
Thank you
(If calling, state your name and town)