📆 Fourth Monday of Every Month
⌚ 1:00 to 2:30 PM (date/times are subject to change)
📌 ACI, 629 Amboy Ave, Edison, NJ
📞 Dial-in #: 605-313-4179 (Access #: 700-387)
🌐 Zoom: us06web.zoom.us/j/81331492008
Middlesex and Union Core Advisory Groups (CAG) have joined forces!
Are you a disabled and a resident of Middlesex or Union County? Are you concerned about disasters and recovery?
A disaster can happen at any time! This is a great opportunity to work together with emergency managers to make effective changes in how emergency services are provided to people with disabilities and access and functional needs in Middlesex and Union Counties.
Come and join our next hybrid CAG meeting on Survival Skills, presented by Eric Martin, Middlesex County C.E.R.T. Coordinator and Training and Operations. While this meeting will be offered on Zoom, we request that you try to come in person as part of the meeting will be taking place outside. We look forward to seeing you then!
Light refreshments will be served.
The purpose of this group is to...
Promote inclusive emergency management by encouraging collaboration and partnership between community disability stakeholder and emergency managers.
Identify emergency management challenges facing people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs before, during and after a disaster.
Develop strategies to build resilience in the disability community.
The Middlesex County CAG was formed in 2015 and was the first CAG in New Jersey.